These are a couple of the cards I am sending to my sister's salon in Indianapolis... As part of our ISWA Cadet Nationals fundraising efforts........if you live up that way, you should check her out, http://www.studiobrides.com/ (this is her bridal website, but you can get other info as well here) especially if you are planning a wedding...she specializes in bridal party preparation and wedding planning...she goes way above and beyond to make the brides day a fairytale experience! So if you can't tell, i think she does a Great Job!!!
And now to the PIF winner.......drum roll pleaz!.........................Congratulations Kim of http://craftsbykim.blogspot.com....so/ please email me at tmhaire@hotmail.com with your personal information (address plz) so I can forward your blog candy by the end of the week!!!
Thanks for everyone who played along. I will do this again, maybe after my "visitors" hits 1k....hmmmm i will have to start thinking about that one. Have a wonderful and blessed Day!
Very cute Theresa....Thanks for sharing....Keep up the great work.......I really love the jammybella I don't have her.....Have a great day....Kristina
Great job on the double ribbon on your card =) Surf's Up! =)
Your cards are adorable!! Congrats to Kim for winning the candy! :)
These are awesome Bella and Fella cards, I like the shrinky dink charm, great idea!
Great card! I just love them Bella's!!!!
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